This is Zach and he is a senior at Wylie. He is a senior rep and I could not be more excited to share all his pictures with you. We had a great time shooting his images and it was a pleasure working with him. We also found out that his mom works for the same squadron that my husband does. It is such a small world. So I hope you enjoy these images. Please feel free to leave me a comment. i love comments from all of you!
I love this picture. Zach actually jumped over me to get this shot!
Zach works at United. That is why we found this funny.
Great must of had a great time working with him//// how much fun was that.... i'm sure his family will love these senior pictures....great job...
My name is Renee Booe. I live in Abilene, Texas. I am a portrait and wedding photographer. This blog is where you can find my latest work as well as random facts about me.
Great must of had a great time working with him////
how much fun was that....
i'm sure his family will love these senior pictures....great job...
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