Please allow me to introduce to you Miss Adrianne. She was a blast to photograph! We spent three hours on location, but it went by so fast. We found some really cool places to shoot and ventured to some areas that even I was surprised to find in Abilene. My hope is that these images portray at least a glimpse of Adrianne's personality. She is kind, polite, elegant, charming, and beautiful in every way. It was an honor to work with her and I can only pray that my future daughter treats people like she does.
I WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU. Leave a comment and tell me which image is your favorite!
The next image I could not decide which edit I liked best. What do you think, color or b&w?
Oh I love Sundays! And today was such a beautiful Sunday. I had a photo shoot with a Cooper student who is a senior rep for RBP. It was a fun shoot and I have tons of great images to choose from. Here are a few of those images as a preview for you. Enjoy!
This week was Spring Break and for the first time ever I did absolutely nothing! I am a person who likes to be busy. I am always on the go. Well the past month or so I have been feeling burnt out and exhausted. So, this week I did nothing. Well not nothing. I slept in, went to the gym, edited some pictures, watched movies. I just did whatever I felt like doing. It was so great! I do feel rested and refreshed. I guess I am ready to get back to my normal schedule. I encourage all of you to take a day or a few for yourself. It is amazing how good it feels! Well I can't post without a picture. So here is another sneak peak of the last wedding I did. Enjoy.
This is Zach and he is a senior at Wylie. He is a senior rep and I could not be more excited to share all his pictures with you. We had a great time shooting his images and it was a pleasure working with him. We also found out that his mom works for the same squadron that my husband does. It is such a small world. So I hope you enjoy these images. Please feel free to leave me a comment. i love comments from all of you!
I love this picture. Zach actually jumped over me to get this shot!
Zach works at United. That is why we found this funny.
Today I had a super fun session with an awesome senior. I will introduce you to him soon. Here are some teasers to entice you to come back. I have so many great images to share from this shoot.
A couple of weeks ago I took some images of my dear friend and her sweet baby girl. I had not taken pictures of her since she was born so I thought I'd better get to it. I wanted to share my favorites with you. I love to watch a mother and child relate. It is such a sweet thing. A shout out to all you moms out there. A good mom is such a blessing and it is awesome to see women rising up to take care of their families. God Bless!
My name is Renee Booe. I live in Abilene, Texas. I am a portrait and wedding photographer. This blog is where you can find my latest work as well as random facts about me.