I love to workout, but getting motivated to actually go to the gym has been a struggle for me lately. So I had to share my workout victory with you. I lifted upper body today and planned on running two miles afterwards. I have been slacking lately, so I have to build back up again. So after lifting I jump on the treadmill and start my run. And guess what? I ran 3 miles! YEAH. I am just pumped to have set a goal and go even beyond that.
So I captured my victory with pictures of my shoes. I was playing with editiing and I would love you to leave a comment on which you like best.
Now off to watch "The Biggest Loser." I love that show. It makes me cry ever time. I have struggled with my weight my entire life, so I can relate to those people. I love to watch people succeed!

Well, from my point of view, the first one is the best. I like its contrast. It has a very nice (and dirty, in the good sense of the word) black & white shade...
Which poster did you choose at last?
See you!
I agree with the "dirty" look. I decided to make a poster of the 1st
and 3 pictures. I think they will look good together.
Numero uno. :) Yay for THREE miles:)
I agree with #1.
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