I am not a risk-taker if the result possibly leads to rejection. I am afraid of being rejected. However, lately God has been speaking to me about pursuing the dreams and desires that he has given me. He is teaching me to trust in him alone and to not rely on my own abilities; for on my own I can do nothing. So with that said I am stepping out of my comfort zone and posting a song that I wrote. My heart’s desire is to write music and lead people in worship. If I could do anything in life that is what I would do.
I love music. I love singing and praising God through song. I play guitar very poorly, only to acompany myself. I have written a few songs which I believe God has given to me. I am very guarded about the music that I write because it is so personal. However, I want to be real and share my heart with you. Therefore I have posted a song that I wrote a couple years ago for my best friend's wedding. Please note that my friend and I recorded this at church one night so it is a very "rough draft."
I did not know exactly how to post the song by itself so I made a slide show to go along with it. The slide show contains pictures of my husband and I from the years gone by. Now you will really get to see my heart by hearing my music and seeing the wonderful memories I have shared with the man I love. We have been together for over 8 years, so just a warning that some of these pictures are old and just plan funny.
FYI, Andy comes home from deployment in a couple weeks. I am counting down the days!