Well it is time for me to say goodbye to this blog. I have a new blog that I will be using from now on. It's a little more personalized and gives me more options. This blog will still always be here. So feel free to come back and look at old posts.
Please check out the new blog! Save it to your favorites and let me know what you think! reneebooephotography.com/blog
Meet baby Landon. He is about 1 month old and so precious. Today I got to spend time at the Dahlin's home taking pictures of him and their lovely family. Matt and Rachel are such sweet, sincere people that it was a joy to hang out with them. Below are my favs from the session. As always let me know what you think!
Landon and his dad have such a sweet relationship.
I love Landon's face in this one!
I think I made him mad.
Matt is a C-130 pilot in the Air Force. London is just getting an early start!
Big shoes to fill
I love the way Rachel is looking at Matt. She has the most beautiful smile!
I put together a photo book that will be used as a mother's day present. The cool thing about it is there are white areas left all over the book so that the kids and draw pictures and leave messages for their mom. I love this idea. I think it is personal and is a great way to display pictures. Hope you like it.
This is the cover that would wrap around the book.
Page 1- Single page
Page 2- is actually two pages. Image you had a book open. Cut this picture in half and you would have the left and the right sides.
Saturday during my photo session we encountered the biggest snake I have ever seen outside of the zoo. We were on a bridge looking down and happened to spot this creature. I had to snap a picture of it to prove how big it was. It was at least 4 feet long. And who said that being a photographer wasn't dangerous?
Now remember, I am standing on top of a bridge shooting this animal. So it is kinda far away.
I love love this family. I really have a heart for this family and their story. The beautiful children below were adopted by this amazing couple who longed to be obedient to what God was asking them to to. So along with their 3 biological children they have been blessed with these four amazing kiddos you will see from this session. The entire family of 10 just amazes me. I am so glad that I am getting to know them and I was honored to take their photos. Oh and did I mention that they are two sets of twins! So much fun!
I hope you enjoy this session! Let me know what you think!
My name is Renee Booe. I live in Abilene, Texas. I am a portrait and wedding photographer. This blog is where you can find my latest work as well as random facts about me.